Story Station

Capture Archival Quality Video Stories with Ease


how it works


EASY TO RECORD, EASY TO SHOWCASE Whether you are gathering visitors’ memories, showcasing donors and sponsors, or giving visitors a keepsake of their day at your institution, the Story Station allows you to capture video that is ready to use, with one of our partner software programs. Videos require no additional editing. Just upload and go. Or, if you already have a software tool you love, we can install that to run in the booth. Segments are short enough to use in social media. QUALITY CAPTURE Story Station is designed to limit exterior sound, giving you strong archival quality audio. With the ability to create your own backgrounds, you can brand the videos as you wish. You can install the booth anywhere you have access to electrical power and WiFi or ethernet. FLEXIBLE SOFTWARE CAPABILITY Museums may choose from a variety of digital platforms for user interface and engagement, depending on your needs. We can recommend from our list of preferred vendors based on what you're looking for, inspiring the most dynamic content. With the Story Station, you can adjust and adapt the media prompts to suit your narrative needs. MODULAR FOOTPRINT Choose from a single panel model or our dual-sided shell for open spaces. The Story Station comes in a choice of 8 colors, or you can customize the color and the graphics to suit the environmental design of your institution. Graphics can be placed on the outside shell, to draw audience attention and engagement. It also creates strong branding opportunities for sponsors’ names and logos. EASY INSTALLATION The module comes ready to install. With simple assembly steps to get the software running and the unit powered up, you don’t need to hire an installation team to begin recording.